Seven Senses Healing Center LLC
Welcome to the Seven Senses Healing Center website
Well-being is just a session away...
That's right, in just a few minutes, you can feel free from the stress of your day. It's easy to relax and unwind when you put yourself under the care of Seven Senses Healing Center.
Business owner and SC Licensed Therapist since 1999, DJ Phillips says each session rivals the next with top quality bodywork, consistently. Bill specializes in deep tissue and Swedish massgae. DJ holds special training in the Belavi Facelift Massage System - a wonderfully relaxing face massage (similar to a facial), that tones the face muscles; Healing Touch - a fully clothed, non-invasive session for whole mind-body-spirit wellness; and the Laura Norman method of Reflexology for hands and feet.
Owner, DJ Phillips
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